Election Nominees
Election A: Standing Committee, Lay
Elect one (1) lay person to a three-year term.

Mr. John (Jack) Overton
St. Mark's, Tampa
Biography: I am a 5th generation native Floridian. From my deceased wife, I have 2 children and 5 grandchildren. My wife, Diana, has two sons and one granddaughter. Academically, I have an undergraduate degree in Marketing and a master’s degree in business administration. I am a retired Navy Captain. After retiring, I worked for a defense contractor, BAE, as Director of Technical Operations for their Naval Systems, Weapons System Division. Active and past ministries include Senior Warden for St. Mark’s Tampa (2 years), Verger, Lay Eucharist Minister (LEM), Lay Eucharist Visitor (LEV), Lector, usher, rector for Cursillo #137, and a past member of the Cursillo Secretariat. I was very active in Kairos Prison ministry in 3 different prisons as well as Chairman for the State of Florida for Kairos Prison ministry. I was also a voting member of the International Committee for Kairos. I have been a member of the International Order of St. Luke (OSL) in two different churches in Florida over the past 10 years. At the national/international level, I am currently serving on the National International Board of Directors for OSL and the finance committee. I love the Lord; prayer and serving the church are my passions.
Nominee Statement: For most of my life, I have served in leadership positions in the Navy, in industry, and in my church. I have been a diocesan convention delegate for several years, senior warden, on the International board for Order of St Luke (OSL), State Kairos chairman, and International Kairos councilman, Cursillo rector and Cursillo secretariat member. Prayer is my passion. I feel a call to help spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and I believe my extensive leadership experiences will bring a positive perspective to the Standing Committee. I look forward to serving Jesus in this diocesan leadership role.

Mrs. Michelle Thomas
The Cathedral Church of St. Peter, St. Petersburg
Biography: I am a St. Petersburg native and a graduate of the University of Florida. I grew up singing at the Cathedral and, since I was raised Catholic, I was received into the Episcopal Church in 2019. I am the Cathedral Administrator and Associate for Christian Formation at the Cathedral and enjoy the ways I am involved in all facets of the church’s life and operations. My husband, Shawn, is an organist and Director of Music in the ELCA, and we share our love of God with both congregations. We welcomed our amazing son and “Cathedral Baby,” Noah, in September 2022 – you may have seen him at last year’s convention!
Nominee Statement: I have a unique position since I am both a lay member and employee, so I can see things from both perspectives. I participate in most liturgical ministries at the Cathedral. I was the youngest-ever Pastoral Council (Vestry) member in my childhood church, and I currently work closely with the Cathedral Chapter. I am the Diocesan Coordinator for Education for Ministry and co-mentor of our Cathedral group. I can provide vital insights as a younger nominee, particularly to the future church and the ever-growing digital world. I feel called to serve our Diocese on the Standing Committee.

Mr. James Corn
St. Augustine's, St. Petersburg
Biography: I have been a member of the Episcopal Church for over 40 years. Currently, I am a member of St. Augustine's Episcopal Church in St. Pete, Fl., and currently have the title of Senior Warden Emeritus. Previously, I served as Senior Warden, and have served two terms on the Standing Committee, and currently serve as Lay member of the COM. I have been married to my wife Joyce for 58 years, and we have been blessed with three children, Nicole, Jeffrey, and Leslie. One of my strengths is that I have always prided myself in being able to see things in terms of how others feel. Being sensitive to their feelings and concerns. I worked as a retail store manager for over 35 years, and currently work with persons with disabilities to obtain the services needed for them to succeed in life. I also feel that I bring experience, reason, and common sense. Your vote would be greatly appreciated.
Nominee Statement: I have also served as Lay member of the Standing Committee for two terms. Currently, I am a Lay member of the COM. I have always felt comfortable with the Episcopal Church because of their focus on accepting all people, because we are all God's people. I also respect the church and the Diocese of SW Fl teachings of God and Jesus, and the need to incorporate those teachings in our daily lives, and to love others. I want to continue to be a part of that process on the Standing Committee and the COM.
Election Nominees
Election B: Standing Committee, Presbyter
Elect two (2) presbyters to a three-year term.

The Rev. Sandra Rogers
Resurrection, Largo
Biography: Throughout my life, diocesan, deanery, and congregational activities held my heart and helped mold and guide my spiritual life. Raised in this Diocese, many of my core memories were housed in the walls of our churches. I was baptized at St. Wilfred’s (Sarasota), confirmed at Holy Spirit (Osprey), and married at St. John’s (Clearwater). I was blessed to attend camp at DaySpring, live in the Episcopal Chaplaincy Center at the University of South Florida, and participate in Cursillo throughout my early adulthood before seminary. Pre-ordination, my career revolved around managing technical help desk teams, my most recent experience being with a technology company that created software that supported the use of computers for the blind and visually impaired. As I transitioned from my previous career into ordained ministry, the foundational building blocks of both vocations are aligned in many areas – primarily in building relationships of respect and trust while working towards a common goal. My day-to-day end goals may have shifted, but my call to build a trusting and respectful family of God remains ever-present. Having been formed in this Diocese, there is a love for it words cannot describe. It is home and I am eager to serve.
Nominee Statement: I’ve spent my first year of ordained ministry focusing on the building of relationships within my congregation and throughout the diocese. I’ve been privileged to serve on the Diocesan Vitality Initiative, and it's been a blessing to meet with colleagues from dioceses around the country to find commonalities, share experiences, and create goals to shape the future of The Episcopal Church. It is because of this experience I feel called to run for Standing Committee. If elected, I will serve faithfully and will always put the mission, ministry, and future of our Diocese at the forefront of all I do.

The Rev. Joseph Hudson
Church of the Good Shepherd, Venice
Biography: Fr. Joe grew up in Colorado and served four years in the United States Marine Corps. While stationed in Okinawa Japan he met Desiree Franklin who was serving in the Army. They married three years later and raised three children. Fr. Joe attended college and seminary in Colorado prior to being ordained in The Wesleyan Church in 2000 and serving sixteen years as a Wesleyan pastor in Wyoming, Montana, and Missouri. After two years of clinical pastoral education as a hospital chaplain in St. Louis, he accepted a chaplaincy position with Tidewell Hospice in Venice Florida where he served for six years. During that time Fr. Joe was ordained in The Episcopal Church. In 2019 he was installed as Rector of The Episcopal Church of the Good Shepherd in Venice. He has served one term on the Ecclesiastical Disciplinary Board and is a proud Papa to five grandchildren.
Nominee Statement: I do not have extensive experience in The Episcopal Church, so why do I believe I am qualified to be on the Standing Committee? Although I am fairly light in my Episcopal experience, I am broad and deep in my Christian education and experience going back forty-four years. I received a master’s degree in counseling from Denver Seminary which focused on the Bible and theology and ecclesiology and psychology. This education was tested and challenged and put to good use through many years of glorious and heartbreaking pastoral ministry. I understand people and the church, both lay and ordained.
Election Nominees
Election C: Diocesan Council, Presbyter
Elect one (1) clergy persons to a two-year term.

The Rev. Eddie Gibbons
Church of the Epiphany , Cape Coral
Biography: Father Eddie Gibbons, originally from Ireland, trained for the priesthood in the Roman Catholic Community at All Hallows Seminary, Dublin. He was ordained to the diaconate on June 6, 1997, and to the priesthood on October 18, 1997. Having been received into The Episcopal Church on February 15, 2015, Fr. Eddie and his wife Alicia were married at St. Hilary's Episcopal Church in Ft. Myers on May 30, 2015. He has a B.A. in theology and philosophy from All Hallows Seminary, Dublin, a higher diploma in social policy from University College Dublin, a master’s in social work from Trinity College, Dublin, and a certificate in Anglican studies from Nashotah House Theological Seminary in Wisconsin. He was received as a priest into The Episcopal Church at a service on September 28, 2019. Previously, Fr. Eddie served as a chaplain (Spiritual Care Counselor) at Hope Hospice. He has also ministered in several parishes including Good Shepherd, LaBelle, St. Hilary's Ft. Myers, and St. Monicas in Naples. Currently Fr. Eddie is serving as rector at Church of the Epiphany in Cape Coral.
Nominee Statement: As I complete my second term on Diocesan Council, I can say that it has been a real joy and honor to be able to serve in this capacity. I have learned a lot and have witnessed the dedication of council members working together in responding to the needs, concerns, challenges, and opportunities within our diocese. We have a lot to be grateful for. I am happy to serve and complete a third term on the Diocesan Council and will continue to bring a spirit of openness should I be called to continue serving in this capacity.
Election Nominees
Election D: Disciplinary Board, Lay
Elect one (1) lay person to a three-year term.

Mr. Edwin Ortiz
All Angels by the Sea, Longboat Key
Biography: I am a graduate of Georgetown University School of Medicine. My professional career as a physician included years as chief of a medical division of the Food and Drug Administration, and a previous faculty position at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Subsequent to these positions I have been active in the practice of medicine. As a member of the Ecclesiastical Disciplinary Board for three years, I have attended two training sessions, one of which was interactive. I was involved in addressing several cases and provided appropriate input. I welcome the opportunity to continue serving in this capacity.
Nominee Statement: I joined All Angels by the Sea at Longboat Key in 2016, where I have a leadership position. My activities include having been Junior Warden, during which time I directed major remodeling for accessibility.
Election Nominees
Election D: Disciplinary Board, Clergy
Elect one (1) Clergy person to a three-year term.

The Rev. Janet Tunnell
All Saints, Tarpon
Biography: I was born and raised in Aurora, Illinois (my parents still live there). I am one of those “Catholic-turned-Episcopalian” people, which I credit to my husband of twenty-four years, Mike. I graduated from USF with a B.S. in biology, and for ten years worked as a fisheries biologist for FWC. After years of fighting the sense that God had something else planned for me, I began discerning a call to the priesthood. Eventually God led me to Seminary of the Southwest (where I first learned about Title IV). Over the course of twenty years in SWFL as a lay and ordained person, I have served in seven churches alongside countless members and clergy who have taught me and formed me into the priest I am today. For seven years, I have served All Saints and the surrounding community of Tarpon Springs whose members are near and dear to me. To this day, my favorite part of Sunday service is during Communion: when everyone lines up around the altar rail, all equally loved by God no matter who we are and what part of our journey we are on, all members of the body of Christ, working together for God’s glory.
Nominee Statement:I feel called to serve in this capacity. While I have limited experience with Title IV proceedings, I believe God has equipped me for such a task. Since being ordained, I have served on five diocesan committees, most recently the Commission on Ministry and Finance Committee. I feel my experience as a church leader as well as my pastoral approach to ministry would serve the committee well. I value the Church’s call to “holiness of life and accountability to one another,” her commitment to Title IV, and members of this Diocese working together to live out that call.