Ministry Fair
The Ministry Fair is a unique and in-person event that shows off the breadth and depth of ministry in our diocese with displays from congregations, ministry groups, national organizations, and businesses that specialize in church products and services.
Registration is closed for the 2024 Annual Ministry Fair, on October 11 & 12 at the Charlotte Harbor Events and Convention Center. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact Michelle Mecurio at 941-556-0315 x977 or by email at
See our list of Ministry Fair Vendors below.
Race and Reconciliation Committee
DaySpring Episcopal Conference Center
Union of Black Episcopalians
CM Almy
Education for Ministry (EfM)
The Order of the Daughters of the King (DOK)
Our Little Roses
Episcopal Relief and Development (ERD)
School for Ministry (SfM)
The Verdin Company
Bishop Gray Retirement Foundation
The University of the South, Sewanee School of Theology
Diocesan Altar Guild
SWFL Cursillo
Order of St. Luke Healing Ministry
Dominican Development Group
Cornerstone Kids, Inc.
Forward Movement
Kingdom Arts Ministry
Church of the Nativity
Episcopal Conference of the Deaf
Episcopal Church Women (ECW)

During Convention, the Diocesan Altar Guild (DAG) coordinates an Exchange/Recycle Table. They accept donations of CLEAN, usable soft and hard goods that your church may no longer need.
Items can include fair linens, burses, veils, frontals, chasubles, stoles, albs, choir robes, cassocks, shirts, and collars. Chalices, ciboriums, cruets, prayer books, hymnals, crosses, stands, altar, and gospel books. Chasubles, dalmatics, copes, stoles, shirts, and suits can arrive on hangers or in storage bags.
Please label your donations and package them in light containers. DAG will be collecting donations on Thursday, October 5, from noon - 4 p.m.; Friday, October 6, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; and Saturday, October 7 from 8 a.m. to noon.
To volunteer please call Sarah Hill at 727-504-3958 or Evelyn Fudge at 508-241-4427.
*Items that have outlived their usefulness can be donated separately and they will be deconsecrated and burned at a later date.